Tips For Becoming A Biomedical Technician

A biomedical technician is a person who is in charge of installing and repairing various types of medical equipment found in hospitals, clinics, surgical centers, and other medical facilities. Most biomedical technicians enjoy their jobs, and the position usually offers good compensation and benefits. Since today's medical equipment is quite advanced, a biomedical technician will need education and training before he or she can secure a job. However, the training and education needed to become a biomedical technician does not take as long as other degrees in the medical field. If you are interested in becoming a biomedical technician, take the following steps:

Enroll in a Biomedical Technology Program

In order to become a biomedical technician, you will first need to enroll in a biomedical technology program. In most cases, this is a two-year program, and when you successfully complete all of the required classes, you will be awarded an Associate of Applied Science in Biomedical Equipment Technology degree. These programs are available at many community colleges and technical schools. If you need assistance paying for your classes, it is important to note that most biomedical technology programs are eligible for student aid, grants, and federal student loans. A lot of biomedical technology programs include internships where students receive hands-on experience in installing and repairing medical equipment.

Explore Available Career Opportunities

After you earn your Associate of Applied Science in Biomedical Equipment Technology degree, you will be able to become a biomedical technician. In some cases, you may be able to turn the internship that you completed during your schooling into a full-time job. Your school may also offer job placement assistance and job leads for you to pursue. If these things do not work out, you will need to begin searching job sites for available openings in your area. 

Become Certified

Most biomedical technicians begin their careers in entry-level positions, but there is room for advancement. If you want to increase your pay and become qualified for higher-level positions, the best thing that you can do is become a certified biomedical technician. You will not be to become certified directly after completing your degree program. Typically, a biomedical technician must complete a specific number of working hours before he or she will be able to take the exam required to obtain a certification. It is important to be prepared and study as much as possible before taking your certification exam. 

Contact a local biomedical technology school to learn more about their classes and requirements. 
